Sierra's adoption

Sunday, December 31, 2006

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I begin writing this on New Years Eve, I look back at 2006 and how many graces and gifts we have received with bringing Sierra home.
We have been blessed by such an awesome soul and person. She has given our family more then we could ever imagine or have given her. I know many people think because we adopted that we touched and helped her. We have heard many times that she has been so lucky that we adopted her. Mike, Lisa, Brandon, Corey, and Billy know that we are the ones who have gained the most joy. She is a true light in our family.
We will be forever greatful for our family at St. Ann's who was our support during our adoption process, in China and when we got home. We were taught in the last year or so how much we are loved and accepted there with all the out pouring of support with fundraising, the fundraising day, shoulder to cry on when the process got hard, love and acceptance when Sierra came home. We will never forget our group being there at the airport when we got in from China even though we were delayed two times in Chicago.
Another grace we have received by adopting is meeting so many wonderful people and gaining many fantastic friendships from families near and across the country and the world. We have so many memories prior to traveling to China with IM Marsha until wee hours in the morning then are many shopping walks on Shamin Island, and now staying in touch with IM, phone and emails and keeping in touch with our travel group.
In the midst of all the happiness of Sierra's adoption we have had some difficult times with loosing two wonderful people in our lives and in the same week. We will truly miss Uncle Sam who was and always will be the strongest Cub fan!!! We will probably never get over the fact the God took Regina home so soon. She will always be remember for the way she spoke her mind and how she could bring tears to our eyes with her gorgeous singing.
As 2007 begins, we are praying for each of you to have a happy, safe, loved and joyful year!!! We pray that you know you are unconditionaly loved and He is with you always.
God Bless,
The Wanless Family.....Mike, Lisa, Brandon, Corey, Billy and Sierra

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Sierra is such a big helper for her daddy when he is fixing her Great Grandma's chair. She sure loves her Elmo that Brandon got her.
There is the long lost big brother Corey.
Sierra loves her new Little Dora Beetle that Santa brought for her!!!
The boys having a great time playing video games together!!!
Sierra loves playing games with Brandon. Her hair has grown so much!!!!
Sierra has had so much fun having Jason staying with us.
Daddy spending some cuddle time with Sierra while watching "Chicken Little" Sierra loves her new Dora blanket!
Mommy loves Sierra new vacuum that Santa brought because it really works and Sierra loves using it.........for right now at least!
I guess when you wake up someone they are not always happy about it!!!!!!!
Sierra still sleeping on Christmas morning!
Sierra among some her presents on Christmas morning!!! She must of been a very good girl this year! We think so especially everything that she has been through.
Well, I guess some people do wake up with a smile!!! This is our "adopted" son Jason. He is a very close friend of the family.
Father Terry reading his special choosen book to the little children including Sierra at Mass on Christmas Eve.
I think Brandon and Billy were just as excited about listening as the little children.
Sierra among the other children at Christmas Eve Mass listening so closely to what Father was reading!!!
Sierra loves her Paw Paw Billy and Ma Ma Paulette. We are so blessed to have them in our lives and family.
We had a couple of special visitors on Christmas Eve. Little Elf Tyler and Little Elf Byron. These are Sierra's second cousins.
Mommy and Sierra having fun on Christmas Eve morning!!!
Sierra loved wearing her dress for Christmas Eve Mass but she was so shy when she was getting her picture taken before Mass started. Mass started at 4:30 but even at 3:00 the church was half full. Christmas Eve Mass is always standing room only.
The boys Billy on the floor, Corey to the left and Brandon to the right and Sierra had a blast opening up gifts to each other on Christmas Eve. It was a tradition in Lisa's house growing up and it continues to be that in the Wanless family. Sierra is so spoiled and loved by her brothers!!!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Sierra has seen Santa many times. He even came and visited her at home!!! Sierra is becoming an expert on the computer. Her favorite activity is on the Sesame Street sight where she is able to tickle Elmo. The Wanless family wants to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!
Sierra is waiting so patiently for Christmas Eve to finally arrive!!!!
HO HO HO!!!! Sierra was excited but very shy when meeting Santa!!!! It felt better to have daddy near by.
Sierra's first gift from Santa!
Sierra is admiring the ornament that we bought her last year that shows two wrapped around the other. The outer one represents her sister that Mike and I lost in a miscarriage. It is wrapped around the smaller one that represents Sierra. This ornament shows how her sister was watching over Sierra from Heaven while Sierra was still in China.

Sierra is so excited about Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

We had the best Thanksgiving this year!!!! We have so much to be thankful for!!!! Sierra finally found out what it means to be full.