Sierra's adoption

Sunday, December 31, 2006

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I begin writing this on New Years Eve, I look back at 2006 and how many graces and gifts we have received with bringing Sierra home.
We have been blessed by such an awesome soul and person. She has given our family more then we could ever imagine or have given her. I know many people think because we adopted that we touched and helped her. We have heard many times that she has been so lucky that we adopted her. Mike, Lisa, Brandon, Corey, and Billy know that we are the ones who have gained the most joy. She is a true light in our family.
We will be forever greatful for our family at St. Ann's who was our support during our adoption process, in China and when we got home. We were taught in the last year or so how much we are loved and accepted there with all the out pouring of support with fundraising, the fundraising day, shoulder to cry on when the process got hard, love and acceptance when Sierra came home. We will never forget our group being there at the airport when we got in from China even though we were delayed two times in Chicago.
Another grace we have received by adopting is meeting so many wonderful people and gaining many fantastic friendships from families near and across the country and the world. We have so many memories prior to traveling to China with IM Marsha until wee hours in the morning then are many shopping walks on Shamin Island, and now staying in touch with IM, phone and emails and keeping in touch with our travel group.
In the midst of all the happiness of Sierra's adoption we have had some difficult times with loosing two wonderful people in our lives and in the same week. We will truly miss Uncle Sam who was and always will be the strongest Cub fan!!! We will probably never get over the fact the God took Regina home so soon. She will always be remember for the way she spoke her mind and how she could bring tears to our eyes with her gorgeous singing.
As 2007 begins, we are praying for each of you to have a happy, safe, loved and joyful year!!! We pray that you know you are unconditionaly loved and He is with you always.
God Bless,
The Wanless Family.....Mike, Lisa, Brandon, Corey, Billy and Sierra


  • At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Thank you so much for the beautiful note. Your faith and inspiration is a blessing to us all, especially me. Your pictures are as wonderful as they always are. It is awesome to see your happy family and all of your special moments. I love that you share them with all of us! I hope you had a wonderful christmas and that this year is filled with as many joys and happy times as the last. See you in a few days!


  • At 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lisa & Mike
    I am glad Don saw you the other day at Lowe's so we were able to get this blog address. Your daughter is beautiful and your family is blessed to have her.
    We miss you. Perhaps we will see more of you once Billy and Rocky make it to High School!
    We wish you and your kids many more happy "Kodak moments" together. Thanks for sharing!
    Karen & Don Boyer


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