Sierra's adoption

Monday, February 27, 2006

Feb 28 Well it is offical!! As of yesterday Sierra is our daughter!! We adopted her on Feb 27, 2006!! She is doing wonderful. We have been so blessed!! All the prayers are working! Her transition is going well. She does prefer mommy over daddy now but that will change. She is walking around independently. Her gate is a little off but she is doing so well. Oh my all you OTs out there would be amazed of her fine motor. I know she will not need OT in that area!! She has been eatting everything we offer. This morning at breakfast she finally became full but then i think she got an upset stomach while shopping so we came back the motel. Finally bought her stroller and she has done well in it. Yep Father Terry you can guess is pink!!! But we only are using it when we shop because want her walking as much as possible. Pts she can do the steps while holding someones hand. We are very pleased with that. Her sleep schedule is great! An afternoon nap(in which she is doing now) and she goes to be around 9 and wakes up around 7-8 in the morning. We got her giggling this morning!! She is a typcial Wanless who is very ticklish. We have some great news too about her palate. Her cleft is mainly on the gum line. Very little if any at all of the palate is involved!! Thank you Jesus!! Less pain for surgery(we are hoping) for her. She said her first English word yesterday...Wal..she loves to go for walks so when Mike need to run down stairs Mike asked her if she wanted to walk with him. Well, as I told you she is not too fond of Mike and she refused as soon as he left she looked up at me and said Wal.. so I said sure we can walk! So we went and found daddy and we walked. So please keep up your prayers because they are working!!!!! WE appreciate all the support. It is so great to read the comments. It helps us know you are all out there just as you have been through this entire process!!! We love you all and miss you all and are looking forward to seeing you soon. About the pictures, we are still having some issues so as soon as I can fix it they will be posted. Have a great day and cannot wait to hear from you all soon!! Love ya!


  • At 11:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yay!!! I am so excited for you all. Little Girls are so precious. I will have to bring Brooklin by when things get settled down at your house. I do have some pictures of her that I will show you. Here is a link to her pictures that were taken at the hospital.

    I also have her three week old pictures that I will bring by once I get them all back. There are some available on my myspace page

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you. Let me know if there is anything that she needs as far as clothes because I love shopping for girl clothes.

  • At 4:48 AM, Blogger tiggaroo2 said…

    ok you brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy to know that things were not nearly as bad as you had thought or been told. I now how scarry that is to wonder untill you see and hold them that everything is OK...... She will be daddys girl in no time. daddys spoil them more then mommys due. I hope the pics are available soon as we are excited to see all of you. Does she like shopping? What does she like to eat?
    keep the faith we are still hear praying for you safe journey
    love to all...
    the roush clan

  • At 4:55 AM, Blogger tiggaroo2 said…

    hey jim caught this you addopted this year, or last????

    lova ya

  • At 5:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So glad to hear that all is going well. Emma had a strange gait also and I think she had rickets, so I'm not sure if the kids actually spent much time running around. I can just picture the three of you walking the White Swan halls. So glad to hear about the cleft- you will be amazed at how quickly Sierra will recover from the surgery. I'm just so thrilled for you!


  • At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mom and Dad,

    I am so excited!!

    As for your problem with the pictures.. I will be sending you an email l8er of how to send me the photos and I will add them into the blog.. and stuff..

    well talk to you l8er love lots!

    Corey Thee Wanless


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