Sierra's adoption

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Feb. 26 It is Gotcha Day!!! Many emotions to talk about!! She is a beautiful little girl....our daughter. She even knows her name of Sierra!! We did get a couple smiles out of her this evening!! But please keep her and us in your prayers, she is having a hard time during her grieving process!! She has settled down alot and is responding and as you might guess she is a daddy's little girl. As I write this she and daddy are sleeping next to each other. What a picture moment!! I will try to put all the Gotcha Day pictures at our picture album!! Thank you for all your prayers!! We are truly blessed!!


  • At 7:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lisa, Mike and Sierra,

    I'm so happy to hear that you are together and that Sierra has begun to bond. I remember Emma's first few hours and how helpless I felt to relieve her immense confusion. Luckily by Day 2, she had begun to get the picture and was much more relaxed. Wishing you a peaceful night- you will be in my thoughts!


    PS Where is your photo album?

  • At 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lisa, Mike and Sierra,
    Congratulations on your Family Day!! What an exciting time for you all. Thinking about you frequently. Blessings on your family. Praying for an easy transition.
    Andy and Betty

  • At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    O, Lisa!!!!!! I can't EVEN imagine the Kodak moment with Mike and Sierra! You're a great mom, and your patience and nurturing will come through. In a few days, Sierra won't even blink twice about having a new home. This is SOOOO cool! You're an inspiration!

  • At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congratulations again....what an exciting and emotional time for all of you! After all of this time you have finally seen her and been able to hold her. She is so blessed to have you....take care and thank you for the updates.
    Love, Rashelle

  • At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lisa, Mike and Sierra,
    Congratulation to you all. God has a big smile on His Face today. He always hears and answers our prayers. We will keep you in our prayers and God will take care of the rest. Take lots of pictures and live in the moment. Always in our prayers and we can't wait to see her in person. Love always, Linda, Marv, Amy and Amanda.

  • At 1:28 PM, Blogger tiggaroo2 said…

    ok I hope this gets threw. Congrats.........
    I can't imajin the excitement you all were going threw. I am glad to heair sierra was resting Alek didn't sleep the first night with us. anyway she can feel the tramendust love the two of you have for her witch will make her transition that much easier. she is so lucky to have you both. keep the faith and know we are praying for you all and a great journey

    we miss you and love you all
    the roush clan....


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